
Which Selling Style Does Your Business Need?

2023-10-17T14:19:07+00:00By |

Finders are your hunters. They take a surgical approach to finding the right prospects that need their specific solution. Minders are your nurturers. They take great satisfaction in caring for those that they know and have built a relationship with.

McMann & Tate: Worst Ad Agency Ever

2023-10-13T18:27:41+00:00By |

Howard McMann once said of his partner, “He’s slippery, he lies beautifully, and he has a great head of hair.” Legend has it, Tate once told a subordinate “If the client loves it, I love it! If the client hates it, I hate it!”

Why Delight Can Never Come Before Easy

2023-10-16T14:44:56+00:00By |

Need Met + Easy = Delight I realize that you as a business owner are swarmed with issues on a daily basis that make you feel like it’s not this simple. But from a consumer standpoint, it is this simple.

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