mass media

Should I Buy Facebook Ads?

2023-10-16T15:16:43+00:00By |

I’m in a local BNI* networking group and the question, “Should I buy Facebook ads?” almost always comes up when I tell a local business owner that I do marketing and advertising consulting. I disappoint them with my answer. Let me show you why.

Does the Name Ring a Bell?

2023-10-13T18:22:32+00:00By |

Most businesses have an awareness problem. More accurately, unawareness. The distance from unawareness to awareness is like going from the moon to Mars, and just as daunting.

When Will My Ads Start Working?

2023-10-16T15:08:44+00:00By |

Few business owners advertise long enough to see the results of their investment. They’ll pull up the seed and throw it to the side. Nothing ever grows! And that’s a good thing for you.

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