Investing effort vs. spending time
How does your business serve? Customers pay you to do. Clients hire you to be. They look alike. But they don’t act alike.
How does your business serve? Customers pay you to do. Clients hire you to be. They look alike. But they don’t act alike.
You can't apologize for your price. There's a good reason for it.
What is it that physiologically strikes people that stops their thumb from scrolling?
Asking is selfish and goes nowhere. And don't ever make your problem the customer's problem, ever.
How do you ensure that your digital advertising performs like an investment rather than an expense?
You’re lucky if you can confidently track more than 50% of conversions. So what's the alternative?
QR codes offer a powerful bridge between the physical and digital worlds, but they're often misused.
You may have a smokin’ hot website. But your website isn’t advertising. Advertising is intrusive.