
Media Agnosticism

2023-10-13T18:23:46+00:00By |

From matchbook covers to skywriting, it all works. Which is why you have to approach it all with Media Agnosticism. If somebody in your affinity group tells you they had success with direct mail, ask to see the piece. It matters. 

Reverse Psychology and Advertising Strategy

2023-10-16T16:41:49+00:00By |

It’s called “reactance.” When someone tries to tell you what to think or do — that automatic resistance you feel is called reactance by psychologists. And for advertisers, there are plenty of work-arounds for reactance.

What About SEO?

2024-03-15T19:39:25+00:00By |

A business owner says "I want to show up when someone is looking for a plumber. Shouldn’t we use the “near me” expression because it’s up 500%?" But aggregators that sell leads are dominating the SEO and PPC wars.

Do You Suffer from Feed the Beast-itus?

2023-10-16T16:42:09+00:00By |

You’re no longer a one-man-brand or only running a few trucks. You should be getting ready to hit breakthrough. And yet, the bigger your business gets, the harder it is to “feed.”

Good Spiderwebs

2023-10-16T14:50:00+00:00By |

Too often, a company uses their marketing to push their features and benefits - ‘Best location, Best Product, Best Service, Best Employees’ - but these are not clingy and sticky. Features and benefits are slippery and rarely remembered.

Change the Name, Change the Results

2023-10-13T18:26:16+00:00By |

If you’re selling a commodity and that commodity is called the same thing at every business, give yours a better name. I can get a “large coffee” anyplace. I can get a Grande only at Starbucks.

Who Cares?

2023-10-16T15:13:04+00:00By |

Who cares? 148.7 people, apparently. Dunbar’s Number has ramifications in social media, sure, but for small business, it has far more to do with marketing and influence and the importance of delivering a delightful customer experience.

Win Now. Win Later.

2023-10-13T18:26:25+00:00By |

The balance between relational brand-building vs. getting the immediate sale has confused businesses and thrown marketers into battle positions. My spies on the inside tell me both sides are holding out on you.

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