
A Lesson In Persistence From Dr. Seuss

2023-10-17T14:21:31+00:00By |

Have you ever had an interaction with a salesperson that felt like a spiral into Dante’s Inferno, rehashing the same things over and over again with no new information?

Showmanship & Transparency

2023-10-16T17:32:41+00:00By |

Like most buzzwords “transparency” is most misunderstood by the very people mouthing it most often. The proper way requires transparency AND showmanship.

Stupid Retail Questions

2023-10-16T15:20:24+00:00By |

“Did you find everything you were looking for?” This seems to be the new question de jour at our local grocery store when we check out.

Say This. Not That.

2023-10-13T18:31:01+00:00By |

The mad dash to make special “COVID-19” advertisements has been an unexpected boon for copywriters, producers, and graphic artists. But is it necessary?

The Greatest Business Secret in the World

2023-10-16T15:05:59+00:00By |

Your company may sell the finest products and services in the marketplace, but it’s how customers feel about your products and services that ultimately determine how successful your business will be.

Selling The Unsellable

2023-10-17T14:22:30+00:00By |

Do you have any inventory that celebrated a birthday… or two? Or did you punt them out at a loss? Chalking it up to, ‘just another bad buy’.

But it is not professional…

2023-10-16T15:15:56+00:00By |

His words stink up the room.  The death stroke to a creative campaign.  As a marketer who specializes in business to business, I have heard this rebuttal many times.

Dave Said What?

2023-10-13T18:31:28+00:00By |

“Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.” So sayeth the late David Packard (he was the other guy in Hewlett-Packard). Was this a snarky dig at marketing? Or was Dave trying to get something else across?

10 Reasons NOT To Hire A Good Writer

2023-10-16T15:13:43+00:00By |

Paradoxically, while AI and affordable, ubiquitous access to good writers may suggest a radically diminished demand—and cost—for great ones, the opposite appears to be true.

Business is Not a Football Game

2023-10-13T18:31:40+00:00By |

More than 65% say they will drop you like a sack of hammers if you give them bad service. And they won’t think twice about it. Your football team sucks.

The 7 Most Common Media Buying Mistakes

2023-10-16T15:22:02+00:00By |

Buyers are traditionally incentivized by media reps through overseas trips, cruises, event tickets, “golfcations,” etc. Even if YOU haven’t been bribed by these things, that doesn’t mean your buyer hasn’t.

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