
Why Culture Matters

2023-10-17T14:17:16+00:00By |

My curiosity first peaked when I heard the phrase, “in any organization, culture eats strategy for lunch”. After 3 years of research on the subject following the scientific method, I’ve constructed and tested a hypothesis that I believe to be true.

What About SEO?

2024-03-15T19:39:25+00:00By |

A business owner says "I want to show up when someone is looking for a plumber. Shouldn’t we use the “near me” expression because it’s up 500%?" But aggregators that sell leads are dominating the SEO and PPC wars.

Win Now. Win Later.

2023-10-13T18:26:25+00:00By |

The balance between relational brand-building vs. getting the immediate sale has confused businesses and thrown marketers into battle positions. My spies on the inside tell me both sides are holding out on you.

Last Touch Data

2023-10-16T15:15:44+00:00By |

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.” That statement has driven businesses on a quest to determine what is working. Many claim to have the answer when they actually don’t. All they know is last point of contact.

Want To Be a Master Persuader?

2023-10-16T15:05:27+00:00By |

In business, this is critical. How do you make someone say “Yes” to your request? Robert Cialdini's scientific approach to persuasion found that influence is based on six key principles.

What Matters Most To Customers?

2023-10-17T14:19:34+00:00By |

Did you know that your customers are only ever considering 6 elements of your product or service? Ever!!! And did you know that only 2.5 of those 6 things matter most to them?

What Advertising Can & Cannot Do

2023-10-16T15:09:57+00:00By |

If your message is relevant, memorable and delivered frequently customers will come. And the better your message and media strategy, the more and more customers will come.

The Verb’s the Thing

2023-10-13T15:22:48+00:00By |

“No One OutPizzas the Hut” What does that say to you? Does it refer to taste? The dining experience? Carry out or delivery? It says it all.

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