Supercharging Your Sales Persuasion With Universal Appeals
First agitate. Then when you present the solution, offer it up as an ideal solution for special people, just like your prospect.
2024-05-23T01:13:20+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
First agitate. Then when you present the solution, offer it up as an ideal solution for special people, just like your prospect.
2024-05-17T20:26:45+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Brandable chunks are refined from average advertising in the same way that hi-octane gas is refined from crude oil.
2024-05-14T01:06:20+00:00By Elliott Stark|
Use AI if you want your message to sound exactly like everything else published on the internet last week.
2024-05-09T02:17:34+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The safe, easy choice wins out over the potentially better choice that carries more risk.
2024-05-03T01:56:06+00:00By Bryan Eisenberg|
80% of executives believe they deliver a “superior experience”. But only 8% of customers agree. How can that be?
2024-05-01T00:58:36+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
As a social species, we’re hardwired to care about each other — so long as you (or your brand) are part of their tribe.
2024-05-01T01:40:39+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Never write ads like a journalist, write like a poet. The best ads build curiosity and engagement while leaving some things unanswered.
2024-04-23T13:26:04+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
If your ads can be ignored, they will be. Which is a good thing. If your ads are high-impact and your competitors' aren’t: you win.
2024-04-23T19:30:12+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
1. You are special. 2. It’s not your fault. What is your advertising doing to communicate those appeals to your prospects?
2024-04-09T20:03:02+00:00By Elliott Stark|
You ask, “If we do not physically interact with our customers before doing business with them, how can we differentiate ourselves?”
2024-04-09T20:23:38+00:00By Dave Salter|
Silly sales jargon and industry-speak are the sand traps of marketing. Avoid them in your ads if you want to break par.
2024-04-09T20:34:17+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Relevant ads answer the implicit and often unspoken questions that customers have when seeing your ads.
2024-03-25T13:38:35+00:00By Ray Seggern|
At best, hard data gets used to justify an action that is taken because of emotional instincts. First you need storytelling and bonding.
2024-03-21T17:42:49+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Advertisers are so focused on where the ads will be seen, and who will see them, that they forget what matters most.
2024-03-18T15:12:26+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
What Aristotle and lawyers both know about persuasive sequencing that you don’t.