Lambo vs Lear. Plot the growth curve for your business.
You can create campaigns that are fast like a Lambo. Fast to get moving. Quick to reach maximum speed. Then tons of resources to just keep steady...
A business owner says "I want to show up when someone is looking for a plumber. Shouldn’t we use the “near me” expression because it’s up 500%?" But aggregators that sell leads are dominating the SEO and PPC wars.
The balance between relational brand-building vs. getting the immediate sale has confused businesses and thrown marketers into battle positions. My spies on the inside tell me both sides are holding out on you.
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.” That statement has driven businesses on a quest to determine what is working. Many claim to have the answer when they actually don’t. All they know is last point of contact.
You can decide to target: People who are regularly in your targeted location (i.e., they work or live in that area) People searching in that area, or People that are just in or show interest in that area.
The best way to drive exponential traffic to your front door is to stop targeting your advertising to the 7% of today’s buyers and start bonding with the 68% of all buyers.
For example, let’s say that, through targeted media, I could reach 10 of my ideal, target customers for $10 a piece. Or, I could reach 100 customers for $1 a piece, but only 20% of them would be my ideal customer.
Whatever you’re paying per click, it’s extortionately, shockingly too much. No use arguing about it; let’s just do the math together.
Remote selling can be equally as effective as in-person sales. Here are the Top 10 Things your salespeople must do well to sell remotely.
There’s a lot to like about Google Pay-Per-Click advertising. And also a lot to hate about the “Pay-Per-Crack” treadmill...