Beyond the Laugh: Crafting Ads that Capture Attention and Form Bonds
Which is the bigger risk: offending a few people with a joke, or going unnoticed by everybody?
Daniel Kahneman introduced the concept of System 1 and 2 thinking. Tiny tweaks can shift buyers to the easier system.
The adage "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" resonates with undeniable truth.
The customers won with a single flashy pick-up line often don’t stay long.
What's more important? Establishing trust & rapport with customers, or the actual quality of your product?
We miss the vinyl era because music back then was relational, not transactional. So what can we learn?
I wish I could just call “my guy” and get it over with. But all too often we are let down after the service.
When you match your customer's social style, you see a surge in sales.
AI can create content for you. But it can't reach out and create meaningful bonds with relational buyers.
How to attract word-of-mouth referrals and repeat customers.