How To Avoid The Pitfalls Of Lower Price
You don’t have to be the cheapest to win the business. You have to be the best bang for the buck.
You don’t have to be the cheapest to win the business. You have to be the best bang for the buck.
Would you rather do $7.5mm in sales with profits of $520k or do $5.5mm with profits of $1.25mm?
"Advertising is a tax we pay for not being remarkable.” So how do we become remarkable?
You must utilize all the tools available to you to ensure revenue is always moving up in succession.
While the signs of sales underachievement are obvious and endless, the root causes are usually very specific.
If we unmask how the sales process works, it’s simple: You make the sale when your beliefs align with your buyers’ beliefs.
Does offering multiple products and brands hamper your ability to make the sale?
Ebbinghaus would tell us that most of our training is quickly forgotten, never applied and never placed “in service.”
The public thinks that if you’re “still making money” at a discount, then the discounted price is — or ought to be — the “real” price.
Since Marketing Heads are evaluated on a short-term basis, they don’t have enough runway to see returns from investing in brand-building.
It takes courage and confidence to bundle. But done right, you will increase your conversions, average sale, and profit (C.A.P.).
Closers aren’t pushy, but they are persistent as all get out. Why? Because they have a secret weapon to close the sale.
The only way you can have a clear message is if you speak the same language as your customers.