Give Your Salespeople The Advantage With This One Tip
It’s the benefits that someone buys, not the features, right?! WRONG! Wait, what? Let’s explore for a moment…
It’s the benefits that someone buys, not the features, right?! WRONG! Wait, what? Let’s explore for a moment…
Unfortunately, the tendency is for “verification” to feel intrusive and negative. As if you’re trying to catch someone doing it wrong. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Looking to close more sales? Try magic… Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. Like all great magicians, the power of your sales presentation is in the setup. Let’s take a peek behind the curtain.
My curiosity first peaked when I heard the phrase, “in any organization, culture eats strategy for lunch”. After 3 years of research on the subject following the scientific method, I’ve constructed and tested a hypothesis that I believe to be true.
While there’s no denying that we love to complain through Twitter and Facebook, people do talk about the great customer experiences they have.
Why your scheduling software might be sabotaging your customer service, and what to do about it.
You paid an extraordinary amount of money to bring that phone call in. Don’t screw it up by being selfish with your language.
When it’s time to respond, start with a question. Don’t you dare go into attack mode.
A great branding campaign crystalizes the company’s self-identity as much for the owner and his team as to the public at large.
Finders are your hunters. They take a surgical approach to finding the right prospects that need their specific solution. Minders are your nurturers. They take great satisfaction in caring for those that they know and have built a relationship with.
Remember: the people closest to the job have the best ideas on improving it. Are you listening to them?
In a world where it seems like every self-proclaimed street corner thought leader has a hot take forged from their Platitudes & Aphorisms Magnetic Poetry set, take the road less traveled by.
Before: Call conversion rate: 25%. Cancellations: 30%. After: Call conversion rate: 70%. Cancellations: 1%. Here’s what we did…