standing out

What Advertising Can & Cannot Do

2023-10-16T15:09:57+00:00By |

If your message is relevant, memorable and delivered frequently customers will come. And the better your message and media strategy, the more and more customers will come.

Same Same Sameity Same Same

2023-10-13T18:29:08+00:00By |

City dwellers stop hearing the traffic and sirens out their windows. Psychologists call this “habituation.” Marketers call this the enemy.

Basically the Basics

2023-10-13T18:29:18+00:00By |

Like shelter, water, and food…let’s break marketing down to 3 basic items: Brand Promise, Brand Consistency, and Brand Execution.

Bonding Not Branding

2023-10-16T15:21:51+00:00By |

Let me tell you a cool story I think you’ll like — one that taught me the most powerful advertising lesson I’ve ever learned. See, when the radio-thon rolled around, my client put his personal money where his mouth had always been.

The Verb’s the Thing

2023-10-13T15:22:48+00:00By |

“No One OutPizzas the Hut” What does that say to you? Does it refer to taste? The dining experience? Carry out or delivery? It says it all.

Parasocial Influence

2023-10-16T17:33:01+00:00By |

You have at least one late night host that you probably feel as if you “know,” even if you’ve never met them. And it’s not just you; it’s all of us — we all have this one-sided relationship with at least some celebrities.

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