The High-Impact 10X Advantage; Share of Voice vs. Share of Mind
What if you broadcast a flaming, un-ignorable ad that hits people between the eyes?
If your message is relevant, memorable and delivered frequently customers will come. And the better your message and media strategy, the more and more customers will come.
"I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." — Jimmy Dean
Let me tell you a cool story I think you’ll like — one that taught me the most powerful advertising lesson I’ve ever learned. See, when the radio-thon rolled around, my client put his personal money where his mouth had always been.
You have at least one late night host that you probably feel as if you “know,” even if you’ve never met them. And it’s not just you; it’s all of us — we all have this one-sided relationship with at least some celebrities.
James Dean isn’t a dead 60’s movie star or a country singin’ sausage maker. He’s a hippy children’s author whose following is growing like crazy right now.