The sun sets at quarter past seven on the sixth day of September
My ex-business partner didn’t understand the food was secondary to the view.
2023-10-13T19:47:55+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
My ex-business partner didn’t understand the food was secondary to the view.
2023-10-13T15:25:58+00:00By Kevin Skaalure|
Chroniclers say their goodbye was a short, “with it or on it.” The “it” was the Spartan shield.
2023-10-13T18:39:17+00:00By Dave Salter|
Obnoxious ads get people to know who you are, but they neither develop fondness nor instill trust in your brand.
2023-10-16T16:17:29+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
By tapping into the power of tribe and self-identity, GGT spiked brand awareness and sales for Toshiba.
2023-10-13T19:45:32+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
Great stories have three principal roles: hero, victim, and villain. These roles need to be filled: Prince Charming, Stepmother, and Cinderella.
2023-10-16T19:06:32+00:00By Ryan Chute|
By introducing new ideas, you attract people’s attention, cementing your brand into a household name. You rise above the Sea of Sameness.
2023-10-16T16:17:37+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Sell to people who see you as their first and best choice, and your premium pricing will be gladly accepted as “reassuringly expensive.”
2023-10-16T16:17:54+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Jingles, sound effects, or just interestingly pronounced phrases stick in our brains with amazing power and longevity.
2023-10-13T19:45:48+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
I like making people the hero in the ads. People are more interesting when they stop pretending.
2023-10-16T16:18:03+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Your ads are an annoyance to your future customers. Unless you make yourself otherwise.
2023-10-16T16:18:12+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
It’s been over 40 years — and I can still sing the lyrics. Here are my quick and dirty takeaways.
2023-10-16T16:18:19+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Why do so few stories end up being about vulnerability, setbacks, or scars? Because it takes an uncommon level of guts and skill.
2023-10-16T14:33:32+00:00By Chuck McKay|
There’s a saying that “Business goes where it’s invited.” What should we put in our ads to get that invitation from Ms. Homeowner?
2023-10-16T16:18:43+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Do you care whether you get a “unique” plumber to fix your flooded house?
2023-10-16T14:42:39+00:00By Peter Nevland|
Most business owners are hesitant to share anything remotely vulnerable through their advertising. But wiener dogs have no fear of looking ridiculous.