
Curiosity did not kill the cat

2023-10-13T19:52:05+00:00By |

Why do some customers not buy from you? Be like that two-year-old and constantly ask why. Discover answers no one has before, and you’ll find profound truths to your whys.

No assholes allowed

2023-10-13T19:52:12+00:00By |

Remove the poison quickly and surgically. Although they’re high performers bringing in new money, they’re rotting it one asshole move at a time.

Strategy Vs. Culture

2023-10-16T14:47:40+00:00By |

Anyone can copy your STRATEGY, but no one can copy your CULTURE. It is unique to your business and your business alone.

Middle Truth

2023-10-13T19:52:20+00:00By |

The hero’s truth is glory, conquest, and protection. The villain’s truth (competitor) is glory, conquest, and protection. Your villain does not see himself as a villain. In his story, you are the villain.

Don’t Worry We’ve Got This

2023-10-13T18:40:39+00:00By |

As I knelt in front of my players, I was at a loss for words. Which never happens. You can never tell if I won the lottery or if my dog ran away.

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