marketing costs

About That Price

2023-10-13T18:22:51+00:00By |

“The only thing people care about is the lowest price.” This is the rejoinder I most often hear when a business doesn’t see any value in advertising (much less marketing). This confounded me for many years until I realized advertising wasn’t the problem.

When Will My Ads Start Working?

2023-10-16T15:08:44+00:00By |

Few business owners advertise long enough to see the results of their investment. They’ll pull up the seed and throw it to the side. Nothing ever grows! And that’s a good thing for you.

What About SEO?

2024-03-15T19:39:25+00:00By |

A business owner says "I want to show up when someone is looking for a plumber. Shouldn’t we use the “near me” expression because it’s up 500%?" But aggregators that sell leads are dominating the SEO and PPC wars.

Do You Suffer from Feed the Beast-itus?

2023-10-16T16:42:09+00:00By |

You’re no longer a one-man-brand or only running a few trucks. You should be getting ready to hit breakthrough. And yet, the bigger your business gets, the harder it is to “feed.”

Win Now. Win Later.

2023-10-13T18:26:25+00:00By |

The balance between relational brand-building vs. getting the immediate sale has confused businesses and thrown marketers into battle positions. My spies on the inside tell me both sides are holding out on you.

The Remarkable Taste Text

2023-10-13T15:22:22+00:00By |

Roy H. Williams says, "Advertising is a tax we pay for not being remarkable." Dixon melons are sliced into juicy, axiom-proving-bites. Besides their remarkable taste, Dixon melons are available only for a limited time in small quantities.

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