share of mind

Reverse Camouflage Advertising

2023-10-16T16:38:19+00:00By |

Sharply define the edges between you and the alternatives. Not only with content, but with style as well. If everyone else is doing a “yell and sell,” talk intimately with the audience.

When Will My Ads Start Working?

2023-10-16T15:08:44+00:00By |

Few business owners advertise long enough to see the results of their investment. They’ll pull up the seed and throw it to the side. Nothing ever grows! And that’s a good thing for you.

Reverse Psychology and Advertising Strategy

2023-10-16T16:41:49+00:00By |

It’s called “reactance.” When someone tries to tell you what to think or do — that automatic resistance you feel is called reactance by psychologists. And for advertisers, there are plenty of work-arounds for reactance.

Good Spiderwebs

2023-10-16T14:50:00+00:00By |

Too often, a company uses their marketing to push their features and benefits - ‘Best location, Best Product, Best Service, Best Employees’ - but these are not clingy and sticky. Features and benefits are slippery and rarely remembered.

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