standing out

Baseball and Advertising

2023-10-16T14:27:41+00:00By |

As General Manager of the Oakland A’s, Bill's payroll costs were one-third of the New York Yankees. He couldn’t compete with them. He hired Paul DePodesta, a Harvard grad in Economics. Together, they changed the game.

Three Wise Men Appeared on My Path

2023-10-16T14:28:01+00:00By |

Karen Post gave me the first definition of a brand that did not include colours, style guides, and logos. Brain Tattoos said, “A brand is the STORY embedded in the mind of the market”.

Tying Creativity to Strategy

2023-10-16T16:32:38+00:00By |

If you’re new to mass media advertising, THE question you’re likely asking yourself is: “Does this stuff really work? Does it really drive huge success, in a reliable repeatable way?"

Time slips into the future

2023-10-16T14:28:18+00:00By |

There is no right time when connecting the message with customers. The right time was six years ago. The second best time was yesterday.

Say Cheese Now Smile

2023-10-13T15:26:14+00:00By |

When you set a course to entertain, persuasion can still be a destination. The limerick can be your vehicle. It’s persuasion with the top down. The clown car body encases a Honda engine (colorful, but reliable).

Happiness is a fish YOU can catch.

2023-10-16T14:28:27+00:00By |

Stop worrying about the colour of your logo, the size of your ad, or the shares on Facebook. When it comes to business, your job is to sell happiness. And the best happiness that is long lasting and unbreakable is through the use of Oxytocin.

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