The Most Controversial Part of Marketing
It’s not really controversial… but marketers don’t seem to like to do it.
2023-10-13T18:17:33+00:00By Johnny Molson|
It’s not really controversial… but marketers don’t seem to like to do it.
2023-10-16T14:19:06+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
Are you writing ads with your tail between your legs? If you’re not acting like the young bull with nothing to lose, someone else is.
2023-10-16T16:23:21+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Immediately following the launch of the Mr. Whipple campaign Charmin displaced Scott as the #1 brand in America.
2023-10-16T16:23:29+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Branding aims at de-commodification: getting the customer to see you as the better, worthier option. And there are three ways of pursuing this goal.
2023-10-16T14:19:45+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
Learn from the great Ronnie Van Zant from Lynyrd Skynyrd. Appeal to your audience by speaking to them in their language.
2023-10-16T16:23:35+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
“Emotional campaigns are 30% more likely than rational campaigns to show large profit effects" — Binet & Field, The Long and Short of It
2023-10-16T16:23:43+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Your love for this small piece of commercial art, which you’ll likely share with others, can’t help but partially rub off onto Chevy.
2023-10-16T14:20:04+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
In an environment where results are needed immediately, microwaving your marketing might be the option. But it’s not the most ideal.
2023-10-16T16:25:20+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
We are social creatures, and what others think and believe profoundly affects what we think and believe.
2023-10-16T14:20:27+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
I was an engineer for most of my life. Engineers think logically and rationally but they can't stir desire like a poet. Are your ads written by the poet, or the engineer?
2023-10-16T16:25:31+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
This is why character and story-driven advertising not only accelerates branding success, but recruiting success as well.
2023-10-16T14:51:29+00:00By Asia Gregg|
None of these products were inherently interesting, yet their ads have been enjoyed hundreds of millions of times.
2023-10-16T14:36:32+00:00By Chuck McKay|
Is this a good ad? Does it make you want to buy a can of John’s Tomato Juice? A good ad would.
2023-10-16T14:23:04+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
I get asked a lot about the effectiveness of advertising and which ones are the most effective. The buzz for entrepreneurs these days is social media.
2023-10-16T14:23:13+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
If you can’t make the audience feel, it’s documenting. No 5-year-old ever asked their mom to read them a documentary before bedtime. Storytelling pulls out an emotion in the audience or customer.