That’ll Do
Who is the “McDonald’s” in your category? The business you believe is getting an unfair amount of customers… in spite of their quality and competence. A few things are happening that you should find illuminating.
2023-10-13T18:18:19+00:00By Johnny Molson|
Who is the “McDonald’s” in your category? The business you believe is getting an unfair amount of customers… in spite of their quality and competence. A few things are happening that you should find illuminating.
2023-10-17T18:06:43+00:00By Aaron & Kelsie Kleinmeyer|
Why are you still paying your social media expert to create posts that look like TV commercials and “for sale” ads? We are telling you to “STOP!” And if you won’t listen to us, then listen to Facebook. Please.
2023-10-16T14:51:51+00:00By Asia Gregg|
If the humor isn’t tied to the message; if you can’t talk about one without talking about the other, then any attempts at persuasion will be short-lived and not very memorable.
2023-10-16T16:27:50+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
You probably read this and thought: that’s an unrealistic expectation. Kind of like expecting an ad to “go viral.” Who gossips about ads, of all things? And why would anyone want people gossiping about their brand?
2023-10-16T16:27:57+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The Coors campaign took market share from Bud and Miller while spending one-third as much money. They used a half-dozen smaller differentiators to build up “quality” and “caring” as what set their beer apart.
2023-10-16T14:56:57+00:00By Roy Williams|
I woke up with an astoundingly simple, big idea. The limiting factor in the engagement ring diamond is that it is “one-and-done.” But a woman can have a whole collection of Anniversary Diamonds.
2023-10-16T16:32:03+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Heck, even one out of three is enough to get traction. But a trifecta is the stuff of legends.
2023-10-16T14:44:44+00:00By Peter Nevland|
How do you get the attention of the public when your product or service is a grudge purchase at best? Every home services provider suffers from this.
2023-10-16T14:27:41+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
As General Manager of the Oakland A’s, Bill's payroll costs were one-third of the New York Yankees. He couldn’t compete with them. He hired Paul DePodesta, a Harvard grad in Economics. Together, they changed the game.
2023-10-16T16:32:10+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
I’m not talking about a campaign that has run for 50 years, I’m talking about a single ad that still runs to this day and still drives results. So what’s behind the magic?
2023-10-16T14:27:50+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
“Bill, why did you buy a highway billboard”? “It gives my company great exposure for getting more clients” Here’s the reality. Exposure doesn’t pay the bills.
2023-10-16T16:32:22+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
We can use the recruiting spot to sneak messages into the minds of eavesdroppers that might have “bounced off” of skepticism had they appeared in a “regular” ad.
2023-10-13T18:18:37+00:00By Johnny Molson|
Vagaries and loopholes are the enemy. Specifics and clarity are your best friends. If you’re putting a special offer out there, do the things that make offers work.
2023-10-16T14:52:11+00:00By Asia Gregg|
Is your business in a boring industry? Then I’m PB&Jelly of you. Jealous because you have a YUGE opportunity to stand out.
2023-10-16T14:28:01+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
Karen Post gave me the first definition of a brand that did not include colours, style guides, and logos. Brain Tattoos said, “A brand is the STORY embedded in the mind of the market”.