mass media

What Matters is What’s Remembered

2023-10-13T18:18:03+00:00By |

When you advertise, you typically make bullet points of what you “want customers to know.” Giving a customer an education so he’ll have no choice but to pick you is as fanciful as it is arrogant.

Are Your Ads Gossip Worthy?

2023-10-16T16:27:50+00:00By |

You probably read this and thought: that’s an unrealistic expectation. Kind of like expecting an ad to “go viral.” Who gossips about ads, of all things? And why would anyone want people gossiping about their brand?

Everyone You Know (is a liar)

2023-10-13T18:18:27+00:00By |

"NOBODY reads the newspaper." Beware of anybody who speaks in absolutes. Statisticians look for something called a “representative sample.” And you don’t have one (no offence, I’m sure you’re a lovely person).

Three Wise Men Appeared on My Path

2023-10-16T14:28:01+00:00By |

Karen Post gave me the first definition of a brand that did not include colours, style guides, and logos. Brain Tattoos said, “A brand is the STORY embedded in the mind of the market”.

Tying Creativity to Strategy

2023-10-16T16:32:38+00:00By |

If you’re new to mass media advertising, THE question you’re likely asking yourself is: “Does this stuff really work? Does it really drive huge success, in a reliable repeatable way?"

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