
Three Wise Men Appeared on My Path

2023-10-16T14:28:01+00:00By |

Karen Post gave me the first definition of a brand that did not include colours, style guides, and logos. Brain Tattoos said, “A brand is the STORY embedded in the mind of the market”.

Happiness is a fish YOU can catch.

2023-10-16T14:28:27+00:00By |

Stop worrying about the colour of your logo, the size of your ad, or the shares on Facebook. When it comes to business, your job is to sell happiness. And the best happiness that is long lasting and unbreakable is through the use of Oxytocin.

Naming the Disease

2023-10-16T16:34:11+00:00By |

Nobody knew bad breath was a destructive social ill until Gerard Lambert pointed the blinding spotlight of his ads at the dangers of halitosis as a means of selling Listerine.

It’s Mostly Invisible

2023-10-13T18:21:58+00:00By |

Customers need to like you before they need you. And “like” is mostly invisible. The reasons we do the things we do sit deep in the limbic part of our brains. It’s waaayyy down there. One of the first parts of the brain to form.

Your Coupons Are Lying To You

2024-05-15T14:36:43+00:00By |

4 families in 5 use coupons, but not because the coupon instigated the purchase. Rather, they use the coupon because there was a coupon to be used.

Generation Gem and How to Market to Them

2023-10-13T18:22:42+00:00By |

Hidden in the flurry of marketing activity around Millennials and the up-and-coming Gen Z, is a diamond group of cohorts called Generation Gem. Research shows this generation to be one of the most lucrative.

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