The 7 Most Common Ways to Fail When Making Your Ads “Creative”
Creativity is the second most important factor in advertising effectiveness, according to over 50 years of quantitative data.
Businesses that grow BIG and profitable use the five-step Relational Systematic Marketing process. Bond. Guide. Satisfy. Nurture. Delight.
It’s a mistake to presume that “all people want is the lowest price.” That painful myth has led many-a-business to nosedive into bankruptcy. The price tag is advertising quality.
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.” That statement has driven businesses on a quest to determine what is working. Many claim to have the answer when they actually don’t. All they know is last point of contact.
Roy H. Williams says, "Advertising is a tax we pay for not being remarkable." Dixon melons are sliced into juicy, axiom-proving-bites. Besides their remarkable taste, Dixon melons are available only for a limited time in small quantities.
Without a consistent theme, you probably don't even have a campaign. And then at that point, what are you doing? You're not branding. You're not bonding.