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A Note to Jewelers Worldwide

2023-10-16T14:56:57+00:00By |

I woke up with an astoundingly simple, big idea. The limiting factor in the engagement ring diamond is that it is “one-and-done.” But a woman can have a whole collection of Anniversary Diamonds.

Social Media, A Marketing Channel

2023-10-13T15:50:48+00:00By |

The truth is that social media allows you to see how each piece of content performs before you ever invest money in it! You don't get the opportunity to do that with billboards, radio, TV, or print media.

The Anatomy of an Offer

2023-10-13T18:18:37+00:00By |

Vagaries and loopholes are the enemy. Specifics and clarity are your best friends. If you’re putting a special offer out there, do the things that make offers work.

Should I Buy Facebook Ads?

2023-10-16T15:16:43+00:00By |

I’m in a local BNI* networking group and the question, “Should I buy Facebook ads?” almost always comes up when I tell a local business owner that I do marketing and advertising consulting. I disappoint them with my answer. Let me show you why.

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