
The #1 Best Job Description

2023-10-17T14:17:30+00:00By |

Is it challenging to attract, select, and retain top talent for your business? It may be what you are saying...or not saying, to potential candidates and employees.

Which Selling Style Does Your Business Need?

2023-10-17T14:19:07+00:00By |

Finders are your hunters. They take a surgical approach to finding the right prospects that need their specific solution. Minders are your nurturers. They take great satisfaction in caring for those that they know and have built a relationship with.

McMann & Tate: Worst Ad Agency Ever

2023-10-13T18:27:41+00:00By |

Howard McMann once said of his partner, “He’s slippery, he lies beautifully, and he has a great head of hair.” Legend has it, Tate once told a subordinate “If the client loves it, I love it! If the client hates it, I hate it!”

Formulas and Recipes

2023-10-13T18:28:27+00:00By |

Formulas do exist in marketing: Quantitative research, KPIs, customer acquisition costs, pricing strategies, etc. But there are also malleable recipes: Customer experience, value perception, elegant logo design, and positive public relations.

Seek a Hire Power

2023-10-13T15:23:27+00:00By |

Powerful recruiting radiates from employee perspectives, multiple, authentic voices, implied meaning, and indirect targeting. First, start with Rule One.

10 Reasons NOT To Hire A Good Writer

2023-10-16T15:13:43+00:00By |

Paradoxically, while AI and affordable, ubiquitous access to good writers may suggest a radically diminished demand—and cost—for great ones, the opposite appears to be true.

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