How to Build an Empire in Uncertain Times. The story of Wrigley’s
At the top of their game the Wrigley’s family was one of the wealthiest families in the world. Learn how they broke into the big time when they actually had nothing to sell.
A dozen years from now 50% to 60% of transactions will be occurring online. And a surprising advantage will go to stores who sell online but advertise locally.
You could create an ad on Facebook so compelling, interactive, and authentic that the algorithm rewards you by showing it to more people organically (free).
"NOBODY reads the newspaper." Beware of anybody who speaks in absolutes. Statisticians look for something called a “representative sample.” And you don’t have one (no offence, I’m sure you’re a lovely person).
The truth is that social media allows you to see how each piece of content performs before you ever invest money in it! You don't get the opportunity to do that with billboards, radio, TV, or print media.
Before you run advertisements on Facebook, make certain that your Facebook presence is truly alive. Here are four indicators to know your Facebook presence is alive and well.
Google didn't tell anybody when they started feeding everybody's business ads over onto their video game platforms. So the impression count went up, the clicks went up. But they're all useless.
"Yeah, they were on for 6 months. But they don't want to renew. Some employees bought the business. She said they'd think about it in the spring.” "What business?" "That HVAC outfit. We had some great ads."
1. Allow the same listener to hear the same ad at least 3 times every 7 nights sleep (sleep erases advertising)
There’s a real danger in the word “modernizing” your marketing because we tend to immediately leap towards thoughts like, “Well, I need to be on Snapchat.”